Tuesday, April 2, 2013

L. A. Noire (Xbox/ PS3/ PC)

L. A. Noire is a video game developed by Rockstar, same people who do GTA, and is a game about war veteran Cole Phelps coming back after getting a silver star in WW2. He joins the police force and climbs up the ladder quickly, going from officer to Traffic Detective in a week. The game is filled with period pieces and crimes based off of real mysteries in the fortys.

The gameplay is a lot like GTA, being a third person pov and same driving type as well. The main difference, other than being a cop, from the two is many of the interfaces and ways to interact with objects in the world. You can pick up items and move them all around, looking for clues. Once you play for 5 minutes, you know what your doing.

Another main difference is the facial animation. One of the main gameplay elements is trying to tell if someone is lying by their eye and hand movements. For this, the facial animation was really kicked up. You can see every detail that will tell you if their lying or telling the truth. They could have easily broken this element, but instead it works perfectly! Wonderful in fact!

This game, along with its great gameplay, has a great storyline. Each case is different and makes you feel like your actually solving mysteries.
8/10 (only because its hard to drive)

Next week:
Les Misérables (2012 film)

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